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Eat Out to Help Out

As part of its support for businesses during coronavirus. The government introduced a scheme to stimulate the hospitality industry and encourage people to return to eating out.

I worked remotely as part of a multidisciplinary team to design and develop a service to enable businesses to register, administer and claim government support. The service was delivered in 2 months.

I collaborated with a second interaction designer, content designer and user researcher to design registration and claim user flows.

I built and iterated prototypes to meet evolving business requirements and user research findings.

The service had 52k registrations. £849 million was claimed and 160 million discounted meals served.

User flows


An imagine showing part of user flow for the Eat Out to Help Out service.

Snapshot: Adding multiple restaurants to a registration


An imagine showing part of user flow for the Eat Out to Help Out service.

Snapshot: Small and large business claims


An image of a screen displaying the registration and claim details for the Eat Out to Help Out service.

An image of a screen displaying a claim summary for the Eat Out to Help Out service.